Return on Investment
Kirkpatrick’s 4 Levels of Evaluation combined with the 70:20:10 Model should ensure that your company maintains and grows the skills and performance levels it needs for success and getting the ROI with training initiatives.
Training level 1 and 2 account for 10% of the model, the support of the line manager and the coaches for 20% and 70% of the training is level 3 on the job. At the end you measure the if the training moved the needle e.g. 90% compliance with the training at Kirkpatrick’s level 4.
Level 1: Reaction
Relevance of the training to the learner, learner satisfaction and engagement during the training.
Level 2: Learning
The degree to which participants acquire the intended knowledge, skills, attitude, confidence and commitment based on their participation in the training
Knowledge “I know it.”
Skill “I can do it.”
Attitude “I believe this will help me on the job.”
Confidence “I think I can do it on the job.”
Commitment “I intend to do it on the job.”
Level 3: Behaviour
The degree to which participants apply what they learned back on the job. Processes and systems that reinforce, encourage and reward performance. Observations and measurements suggesting that critical behaviours are on track to achieve business goal.
Level 4: Results
The degree to which the business goal is achieved as an impact of the training and the support and accountability of the learner.
This also correlates to the 5 moments of learning needs.
- learn something new
- learn some more details
- learn to apply something
- learn to solve an issue with something
- un- and re-learn something
In the formal training setting the learner learns something new and some more details with knowledge and skills.
In the workplace setting the learner applies the skills and knowledge and learns to solve issues. UN– and RE–learning something occurs also in the workplace, because the learner needs to apply a new process or use a tool in a new way on the job.
Contact me if you want return on investment as well as return on expectations.