
The images below include links to types of engagement you could achieve. I would love to implement something similar in your organisation.

Soft skills training

Help Tom apply different perspectives and delegate successfully. Select the image to see the interaction.

Leadership training (opens a new tab)


You are at a garden party and have volunteered to man the grill. There is a timer and the cooking instructions are available via a button. The goal is to serve a well done and a medium rare steak following the cooking instructions. Inspired by Allen Interactions’ Restaurant Service and cooking e-Learning example.
Select the image to test your skills.

Failing without consequences until you get it right. (Opens a new tab)

Interactive Video

The goal of this interaction is to follow proper procedure at the airport check-in desk, using video to add context. Select the image to see the interactive video in action.

Use video to demonstrate best practice. (Opens in new tab)


The aim of this demonstration is to show how to engage the learner by collecting points and loosing them for getting it wrong. Select the image to see the scoring in action.

Read the explanation an select the next arrow.(Opens a new tab)

Airspace Scenario

In this micro scenario an Flight Inspector is checking a pilot’s safety compliance. The direct speech makes the interaction more relatable. Select the image to see the interaction.

Context and relevant questions are key to successful learning. (Opens a new tab)

Process training

This example shows an appeal procedure. Select the image to see the interaction.

Process example with artificial voice over. (Opens in a new tab)

Road safety

This is an example to raise awareness of road safety compliance for heavy vehicles. Articulate Rise is an easy to use tool to develop professional looking micro learning. Please note the learning content is in the feedback. Select the image to see the interaction.

Open questions to help learner connect cause and effect. (Opens in a new tab)

Contact me if you need to update or improve your online learning offerings.